John Evans’ manufactures helical springs of almost all types and sizes, including compression, extension, and torsion springs, using wire with a diameter as small as .004 inches. Helical springs can be made of music wire, oil tempered and stainless steel, but numerous alternate materials including the more exotic alloy steels, can be quite successfully utilized.
Helical spring designs can be modified in many ways including wire diameter, spring diameter, and pitching links, in order to achieve desired loads rate, and fatigue life. Extension springs can include initial tension, and various in loops compression. Compression springs can include squared only, or squared and ground ends. Depending on the length of the spring body and of the arms-length links under discussion, designers of torsion springs may have to carefully evaluate the effects of the arms over and above the basic calculations.
Modifications available in order to achieve desired loads, rate, and fatigue life:
- Wire diameter
- Spring diameter
- Pitch and length
- Extension springs can include “initial tension” and various end-loops
- Compression springs can include squared only, or squared-and-ground ends.
Helical Spring Applications:
- Medical Devices
- Aerospace/Defense
- Industrial (Not General)
John Evans’ extension spring and torsion spring manufacturing capabilities include state-of-the-art computer-controlled equipment. Our complete line of manufacturing equipment and secondary operations department enables us to provide unusual features such as stamped and hooks for extension springs in order to eliminate the most likely point of failure-the end loop.
Our in-house engineering can always help with the design of springs to meet your requirements.

Need Assistance? Consult our Technical Team.
Our Technical Team offers a depth of expertise to assist you with all parts of the process. We are ready to answer your questions in a timely manner and will help you define what you need. We produce custom springs for all purposes, and we are here to work with you on any of your customization needs.